RTP/FedNow System Codes

When attempting to send an RTP transfer or request for payment, these error codes may be reported:

AC02 - Debtor account number invalid or missing.
AC03 - Creditor account number invalid or missing.
AC04 - Bank account closed.
AC06 - Bank account blocked.
AC11 - Creditor account currency invalid or missing.
AC13 - Debtor account type invalid.
AC14 - Creditor account type invalid
AGNT - Incorrect Agent
AG01 - Transaction forbidden.
AG03 - Transaction not supported.
AM02 - Transaction exceeded max allowed.
AM04 - Insufficient funds.
AM09 - Amount not expected.
AM11 - The currency code is not supported by RTP.
AM12 - Amount invalid or missing.
AM13 - TCH transaction limit exceeded.
AM14 - Transaction exceeds bank-client limit.
BE04 - Creditor address invalid.
BE06 - Unknown customer.
BE07 - Debtor address invalid or missing.
BE10 - Debtor country invalid or missing.
BE11 - Creditor country invalid or missing.
BE14 - Country code missing.
BE16 - Debtor id invalid or missing.
BE17 - Creditor id invalid or missing.
DS24 - TCH timeout.
DT04 - Future date.
DUPL - Duplicate.
DS0H - Signer not allowed for this account.
FF02 - System error.
FF08 - End to end ID missing or invalid.
FRTR - Final Response - Repeat attempt to prior non-response.
MD07 - Deceased customer.
NARR - Detail provided.
RC01 - Incorrect FI ID format.
RC02 - FI ID invalid or missing.
RC03 - Debtor FI ID invalid or missing.
RC04 - Creditor FI ID invalid or missing.
SL03 - Token service not responding.
TM01 - Invalid cut off time or instruction.
TK01 - Invalid token.
TK02 - Sender token not found.
TK03 - Receiver token not found.
TK04 - Token expired.
TK05 - Token mismatch.
TK06 - Token value limit violation.
TK07 - Token already used.
TK08 - Token suspended.
UPAY - Undue Payment - Payment has been made through another payment channel.

1100 - Reason not recovered by iso.
9901 - IPS switch system malfunction.
9910 - Instructed agent signed off.
9912 - Receiving participant not available.
9914 - Missing element for zelle.
9934 - Instructing agent signed off.
9946 - Instructing agent suspended.
9947 - Instructed agent suspended.
9948 - Service suspended.
9952 - Incompatible message versions.
9953 -Missing code 'FULL' (full invoice amount).
9954 - Instruction from creditor missing.
9956 - Instructing agent funding account suspended.
9957 - Instructed agent funding account suspended.
9964 - Invalid participant identification.

NOAT - Message type not supported or accepted.

When attempting to send an FedNow transfer, these error codes may be reported:

AC02 - Invalid debtor account.
AC03 - Creditor account number invalid or missing.
AC04 - Bank account closed.
AC05 - Closed debtor account.
AC06 - Bank account blocked.
AC07 - Creditor account closed.
AC14 - Creditor account type invalid or missing.
ACTC - Accepted technical validation.
ACSC - Accepted settlement completed.
ACWP - Accepted without posting.
ACCC - Accepted creditor posting completed.
ADAC - Awaiting debit auth.
AG01 - Transaction forbidden.
AG03 - Transaction not supported.
AGNT - Incorrect agent.
AM02 - Transaction exceeded max allowed.
AM04 - Insufficient funds.
AM06 - Too low amount.
AM09 - Amount not expected.
AM12 - Amount invalid or missing.
AM13 - FedNow transaction limit exceeded
AM14 - Amount exceeds agreed limit.
ARDT - Already returned.
ARPL - Awaiting reply.
BE01 - Inconsistent end user.
BE04 - Creditor address invalid.
BE05 - Unrecognized initiating party.
BE17 - Creditor id invalid or missing.
BLCK - Blocked.
CNCL - Canceled as requested.
CUST - Requested by customer.
CUTA - Upon unable to apply.
DS02 - Order cancelled.
DS24 - FedNow timeout.
DT01 - Incorrect date.
DT24 - Future date.
DUPL - Duplicate.
DS0H - Signer not allowed for this account.
E301 - Report request failed.
E400 - Message id does not exist.
E401 - Unauthorized to send pacs028
E402 - Message was not processed.
E411 - Message still processing wait till timeout.
E420 - Rejected control set by corespondent.
E481 - Invalid dates.
E500 - FedNow internal error call support center 500.
E600 - Balance inquiry not allowed.
E760 - Invalid response.
E890 - Pending transaction status invalid.
E891 - Finalized transasction status invalid.
E960 - FedNow internal error call support center 960.
E970 - Pending transaction status invalid.
E974 - FedNow internal error call support center 974.
E980 - Invalid sender service profile.
E981 - Invalid receiver service profile.
E982 - Missing participant profile for ct or rfp.
E983 - Lm transfer out of business hours.
E984 - Missing participant profile for lmt.
E990 - Transaction out of limits.
E996 - Reserved response timeout.
E997 - Processing response timeout.
E999 - Invalid future date.
F101 - Entry match receiver fraud controls.
F102 - Entry match sender nebative list entry.
FF02 - System error.
FOCR - Following refund request.
FR01 - Fraudulent payment.
FRAD - Fraudulent payment.
IDUP - Duplicate transaction.
IN02 - Incorrect payment service level.
IN06 - Incorrect interbank settlement amount.
IN07 - Incorrect debtor.
IN08 - Incorrect debtor account.
IN15 - Incorrect remittance information.
IN16 - Incorrect payment purpose.
IN38 - Incorrect debtor address.
IN39 - Incorrect creditor address.
INFO - Additional information to send.
IPAY - Accepted.
LEGL - Legal dicision.
MD07 - End to end id missing or invalid.
MM20 - Mismatch creditor name account.
MM21 - Mismatch debtor name account.
MM25 - Pending execution debtor account or identification.
MM26 - Pending execution debtor name or address.
MM27 - Payment executed debtor account or identification.
MM28 - Payment executed debtor name or address.
MM29 - Pending execution creditor account or identification.
MM30 - Pending execution creditor name or address.
MM31 - Payment executed creditor account or identification.
MM32 - Payment executed creditor name or address.
MM35 - Insufficient payment purpose.
MS02 - Not specified reason customer.
MS03 - Not specified reason agent.
NARR - Detail provided.
NINF - No furthor information.
NOOR - No original transaction received.
PDCR - Pending.
PDNG - Pending.
PECR - Partial refund.
PTNA - Passed to next agent.
RC01 - Incorrect fi id format.
RJCR - Rejected.
RJCT - Rejected.
RQDA - Requesting debit auth.
RR04 - Regulatory reason.
RUTA - Return upon unable to pay.
SVNR - Service not rendered.
T501 - Message XML length exceeded.
T504 - Invalid to member id.
T505 - Malformed message.
T506 - Invalid message definition id.
T508 - Business processing date tag not allowed.
T509 - Copy DUPL tag not allowed.
T510 - Releated element tag not allowed.
T512 - Invalid message id.
T514 - Structured remittance info langth exceeded.
T515 - Structured and unstructred remittance info not allowed.
T516 - Invalid sending party.
T517 - Duplicate message id.
T518 - Missing original message id or UETR.
T519 - Missing landline phone on preferred contact method.
T520 - Missing mobile phone on preferred contact method.
T521 - Missing email on preferred contact method.
T522 - Missing reason code on rejected transaction.
T523 - Invalid status code.
T524 - Invalid original message name id.
T525 - Invalid original interbank settlement amount format.
T526 - Insufficient debtor info provided.
T527 - Invalid local instrument.
T528 - Invalid returned interbank settlement amount format.
T529 - Invalid message signature.
T530 - Invalid country code.
T531 - Invalid original message name id value.
T532 - Invalid interbank settlement amount format.
T533 - Invalid compensation amount format.
T534 - Missing transaction id or UETR.
T535 - Invalid category purpose.
T536 - Missing additional info for NARR.
T537 - Key signature algo not supported.
T538 - Account balance request invalid.
T539 - Account balance request missing account type.
T540 - Account report request missing connection party id.
T542 - Invalid market practice id.
T543 - Invalid original message date.
T544 - Invalid message reference in admi007.
T545 - IATR report request does not allow period or account type.
T546 - AATR report request invalid account id.
T547 - Invalid status code in admi007.
T548 - Invalid charges amount format.
T550 - Invalid RFRR status code.
T551 - Invalid cancellation reason info.
T553 - Propietary under reason not allowed.
T554 - Invalid RFIR status code.
T555 - Invalid fnclockstart format.
T556 - Invalid RFIR correction txn info.
T557 - End of day report request reported period missing or account type not allowed.
T558 - Invalid report request message name id.
T559 - Invalid expiry date for RFP.
T560 - Invalid status code CT.
T561 - Duplicate status reason info.
T562 - Business service not allowed.
T563 - Invalid status code RFI.
T565 - Invalid resolution related info RFI.
T566 - Invalid resolution related info RFR.
T567 - Invalid original instructed amount format.
T568 - Invalid instructed amount format.
T569 - Invalid accepted amount format.
T570 - Invalid key encoding.
T571 - Invalid key algo.
T572 - invalid encoding key
T573 - Invalid key length
T574 - Invalid key fingerprint.
T575 - Invalid key expiration.
T576 - Duplicated.
T577 - Revoke key not found.
T578 - Last active key cannot be revoked.
T579 - Key already revoked or expired.
T580 - Future time.
T581 - Missing or invalid event code.
T582 - Invalid past requested execution date.
T583 - Invalid expiry date before requested execution date.
T584 - No conneciton points for connection party.
T600 - Balance inquery service not available.
TECH - Technical problem.
UPAY - Undue payment.