States answer the question “where is my money” definitively for you, your counter-parties, and Trice. * denotes a final state (with the exception of 'returned'), with the exception of "returned"
RTP/FedNow Credit Transfer
State Name | Description for Sending Case | Description for Receiving Case |
created | Trice received a customer’s payment instruction, performed API validations, and created the transaction with this initial status. | Trice received an incoming credit transfer message from the network and created a transaction with this initial status. Message validations have not been performed. |
processing | Pre-checks passed, funds are held (pending state), the transaction has been submitted to the network, and Trice system awaits a response. If no response is received within 30s, Trice automatically requests a status from the network. | Trice accepted the transaction and is awaiting confirmation from the network. Pending funds are posted to the intended recipient’s account. If no response is received within 5s, Trice automatically requests a status from the network. |
timed_out* | The receiving financial institution failed to provide a response within the network’s SLA. The transaction is canceled and held funds are released. | The network did not receive a response from Trice within their SLA. The transaction is canceled and held funds are released. |
failed* | A transaction submitted to the network has failed network validations with a provided reason code. Failed transactions are investigated by Trice ops. | A transaction received from the network failed local validations. OR A transaction response sent to the network failed network validations. Failed transactions are investigated by Trice ops. |
rejected* | Pre-checks determined that transaction should be rejected (i.e. NSF) and not submitted to the network. OR The receiver rejected the transaction with a provided reason code. | Trice rejected a transaction with an appropriate reason code. Reasons may include invalid account number or account not in good standing. |
finalizing | The receiving financial institution accepted the transaction without posting it to the recipient (ACWP). The transaction remains in this state until either the funds post OR the transaction is cancelled. | N/A - Trice does not currently accept transactions without posting them. |
completed* | Transaction is complete and the funds have posted to the recipient. | Transaction is complete and the funds have posted to the recipient. |
returned* | The transaction will be (or already has been) returned via separate credit transfer or out of band payment. | The transaction will be (or already has been) returned via separate credit transfer or out of band payment. |
RTP Request for Payment (RfP)
State | Description |
created | Trice received a customer’s request, performed API validations, and created the RfP with this initial status. |
processing | Pre-checks passed and, the RfP has been submitted to the network, and Trice system awaits an acknowledgement. If no acknowledgement is received within 30s, Trice automatically requests a status from the network. |
timed_out* | The receiving financial institution failed to provide a response within the network’s SLA. The RfP is canceled. |
failed* | A RfP submitted to the network has failed network validations with a provided reason code. Failed transactions are investigated by Trice ops. |
waiting | The RfP is waiting for receiver response |
rejected* | The receiving institution rejected the transaction with a provided reason code. |
declined* | The receiving end user declined to pay the RfP. |
approved | The RfP is approved by the receiver |
paid* | The RfP is paid by the receiver |
expired* | The RfP has expired without receiver response |
canceled* | The RfP sender has canceled the RfP. |