
States answer the question “where is my money” definitively for you, your counter-parties, and Trice. * denotes a final state (with the exception of 'returned'), with the exception of "returned"

RTP/FedNow Credit Transfer

State NameDescription for Sending CaseDescription for Receiving Case
createdTrice received a customer’s payment instruction, performed API validations, and created the transaction with this initial status.Trice received an incoming credit transfer message from the network and created a transaction with this initial status. Message validations have not been performed.
processingPre-checks passed, funds are held (pending state), the transaction has been submitted to the network, and Trice system awaits a response.

If no response is received within 30s, Trice automatically requests a status from the network.
Trice accepted the transaction and is awaiting confirmation from the network. Pending funds are posted to the intended recipient’s account.

If no response is received within 5s, Trice automatically requests a status from the network.
timed_out*The receiving financial institution failed to provide a response within the network’s SLA. The transaction is canceled and held funds are released.The network did not receive a response from Trice within their SLA. The transaction is canceled and held funds are released.
failed*A transaction submitted to the network has failed network validations with a provided reason code. Failed transactions are investigated by Trice ops.A transaction received from the network failed local validations.
A transaction response sent to the network failed network validations.

Failed transactions are investigated by Trice ops.
rejected*Pre-checks determined that transaction should be rejected (i.e. NSF) and not submitted to the network.
The receiver rejected the transaction with a provided reason code.
Trice rejected a transaction with an appropriate reason code. Reasons may include invalid account number or account not in good standing.
finalizingThe receiving financial institution accepted the transaction without posting it to the recipient (ACWP). The transaction remains in this state until either the funds post OR the transaction is cancelled.N/A - Trice does not currently accept transactions without posting them.
completed*Transaction is complete and the funds have posted to the recipient.Transaction is complete and the funds have posted to the recipient.
returned*The transaction will be (or already has been) returned via separate credit transfer or out of band payment.The transaction will be (or already has been) returned via separate credit transfer or out of band payment.

RTP Request for Payment (RfP)

createdTrice received a customer’s request, performed API validations, and created the RfP with this initial status.
processingPre-checks passed and, the RfP has been submitted to the network, and Trice system awaits an acknowledgement. If no acknowledgement is received within 30s, Trice automatically requests a status from the network.
timed_out*The receiving financial institution failed to provide a response within the network’s SLA. The RfP is canceled.
failed*A RfP submitted to the network has failed network validations with a provided reason code. Failed transactions are investigated by Trice ops.
waitingThe RfP is waiting for receiver response
rejected*The receiving institution rejected the transaction with a provided reason code.
declined*The receiving end user declined to pay the RfP.
approvedThe RfP is approved by the receiver
paid*The RfP is paid by the receiver
expired*The RfP has expired without receiver response
canceled*The RfP sender has canceled the RfP.